R&D team
Instrument and equipmen
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R&D Center:Gate Two,Tianjia Road,Tianchang City,Anhui,China
Mobile:+86-18355069969(Manager Sun)
Mobile:+86-18355069959(Manager Ji)
Mobile:+86-18355069979(Manager Zhang)
R&D team

The company has professional doctors, masters, and engineers in the field of organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and chemical engineering. It has unique advantages in development of synthetic route, product qualitative analysis, pilot amplification and optimization.



The company has established long-term cooperation relations with domestic and international pharmaceutical chemicals enterprises, research institutes, colleges, and laboratories for R&D and synthesis of products. Products from gram grade, to kilogram grade and ton grade can be customized. In 2012, the company developed and produced more than 20 types of high-standard products from kilogram grade to ton grade for foreign customers, and 12 types were put into stable production.


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